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Video to DVD transfer options and services > DVD and CD Labeling
DVD and CD Labeling

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Price: $1.05
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: DVD Labeling

DVD and CD Labeling


DVD and CD Labeling stickers customized to your interests to create the perfect DVD, Blu-Ray, or CD.  After placing order please send us an email with the image in attachment or labelling sticker image link of image.  We will then create DVD or CD label for just $1 each.  Email us at support@vintagevhs.net with your label image.


Labeling Options 
Several printer brands notably Prime Time Print (link), Epson and Casio offer specialized prints that print right on a disc and don’t use paper. After you are done reading check out the great range of Verbatim printable CD and DVD media for each of these solutions.


DVD CD label stickers personalized customized


DVD label, personalized or premade artistic label


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Recording a CD or DVD is only half the job. The other half is making sure you label what you recorded. Otherwise, the next time you reach for a disc, you'll waste time figuring out which one you've grabbed from the unlabeled masses.


While most disc printers these days are inkjet printers, Casio uses thermal transfer technology to melt miniscule beads of a waxy, ink-impregnated carrier from its ribbon onto the surface of the disc. The Casio printer includes its own keyboard, or you can plug it into USB and let the computer feed it. It prints one color at a time and each ribbon is good for roughly 25-50 discs. Warning: memory failure.
We’ll bet you never thought there were so many ways to deal with getting something onto a disc to give you a hint of what’s on the disc. Please choose and use at least one.
At the moment you first burn a disc, you know exactly what’s on it. A few days later, you may or may not remember. A few weeks later, good luck. It’s just a memory thing.

Personally, I've never been particularly good about labeling: Witness the stack of unlabeled video tapes stashed in my closet. Sometimes I haven't made a label because the tools--pen, adhesive labels--weren't at hand. Other times I was impatient; I just wanted to record and go.

Since I don't want to end up with a ton of CDs and DVDs with no moniker, and no clues as to their contents, I've turned over the proverbial new leaf. But what are the best options for labeling discs? In my quest for the perfect labeling system, I discovered I was chasing a holy grail: The perfect labeling system doesn't exist. But there are worthwhile options galore.

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