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Video conversion services > Standard video conversion customization Package
Standard video conversion customization Package

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Orig. Price: $17.97
Sale Price: $14.97
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: VideoPackageS

Standard video conversion for $14.99 a tape, with discounted prices for large amounts of VHS tapes and reel footage.  Contact us for a quote today: support@vintagevhs.net or call us during business hours VintageVHS (231)736-4317

Premium Video Conversion Package Prime Time Print VHS Tapes DVDs converting menu making

What do each package contain?

Standard Conversions are of VHS, VHS-C, or camcorder tapes into DVD or BluRay along with a hard standard case, DVD personalized label, and a free duplicate DVD copy.

Premium Conversions - includes DVD editing, menu making, personalized label, DVD case, and 3 free copies.  These are great for wedding or special video to guarantee it is preserved how you want it with stylish packaging as well.

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